Selasa, 28 April 2009

Have Fun dulu

The mad thief

One day had a thief who was climbing the tree and took mangoes.

Evidently the owner of the tree was secretly observing this thief, then took a step slowly approaching the thief, and afterwards shouted:

“ Hei… there is thief …. Took my mangoes “

The startled thief, confused, then descended straightaway, approached the owner of the tree.

Thief : “Heh, if shouting that should not forcibly! You Know, I was startled! Later if I fell from the tree then was broken foot, how do you think? Would You responsibility??”

The Owner’s : “ ????”

The National Boxer VS The National Sprinter

A night, in a disco, a mad young man wanted to go to toilet.

Before entering to toilet, he placed his pet jacket outside the door, and was accompanied a small note be inscribed, “Wacth out! Don't attempt to steal this jacket, because his owner was the number one of National Boxer!

After several minutes afterwards, this young man was startled, saw his pet jacket disappeared.

He only found a strip of small note that his contents, “Watch out! Don't attempt to pursue the jacket right! In vain, because his thief was the number one of National Sprinter!

The Psychiatric Hospital Patient

A doctor in the psychiatric hospital intended to drip his patients. The doctor asked his patients to swim in the deliberate pond was not filled up water.

“Come On, all descended, you swam in this pond yeah. ” shouted the doctor told all of his patients to descend, swam.

The previous doctor considered his patients who descended swam, meant them did not yet recover.

Almost all the patients descended then swam in accordance with their style, except one person, Diding.

The doctor afterwards thought, Diding meant to have recovered because Diding did not want to swim because he knew his pond did not contain water.

“Ding, what are you doing here? Why did not swim? ” asked the doctor who afterwards approached Diding.

Diding answerd : “ No I’ll not, because the water is cold “

[Kurang kerjaan, try to translate Indonesian Humours to English, kalo ngerti pasti senyum]

1 Silakan Kritik dan Sarannya ^_^:

nonethe mengatakan...

wakakakakkak (sok2 ketawa biar dibilang pinter)

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.:: Inspirasi Bang Malik ::. Published @ 2014 by Bang Malik

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